Manage Documents

Access your documents from anywhere and from any device.

How to manage your documents online

Besides viewing, signing and converting documents online with our unlimited cloud storage you can store as many documents as you want. Document sharing and managing is easy and intuitive.

How to upload documents

  1. Login to your account or register if you do not own one yet. It’s FREE!
  2. Go to your dashboard.
  3. Click on Upload button and upload a document(s).
  4. Wait until uploading and processing is complete.

How to rename documents

  1. Login to your account or register if you do not own one yet. It’s FREE!
  2. Go to your dashboard.
  3. Click on Upload button and upload a document.
  4. Wait until uploading and processing is complete, then click on icon and select Rename.
  5. Rename your document and click on OK button.

How to delete documents

  1. Login to your account or register if you do not own one yet. It’s FREE!
  2. Go to your dashboard.
  3. Click on icon and select Delete.