Sign Documents

eSign Pdf, digital signature, electronic signature and much more.
All documents can be signed online with our electronic signature by document owner or by sharing documents for e-signatures with registered users and guest users.

How to sign documents online

To sign documents registration is not required.
Online document signature is 100% FREE for both guest and registered users. However, by registering an account you can benefit from advanced options and all premium features for free that are available only to registered users.

Sign documents online without registration

  1. Go to Online Document Signature page.
  2. Use our user-friendly wizard or scroll page down to the bottom to see all available formats.
  3. Select desired format from dropdown.
    For example eSign DOCX, eSign XLSX, eSign PPTX, etc.
  4. Click on Upload icon and upload a document.
  5. After upload is complete, click on Sign button.

Sign documents online as registered user

Registered users can annotate any document(s) right from dashboard.

  1. Login to your account or register if you do not own one yet. It’s FREE!
  2. Go to your dashboard.
  3. Click on Upload button and upload a document.
  4. Wait until uploading and processing is complete, then click on icon and select Sign.
  5. Select required signature type and place it over the document.
  6. When you are done with placing signatures, click on icon to save your signatures permanently.

Signature information

You can check if document has already been signed, by whom, when and what type of signature were used. In your dashboard next to all signed documents you will find icon. By clicking on it signature information dialog will pop up. Signature information dialog contains following information:

  1. Signatory name (who signed document).
  2. Signature type.
  3. Signature date.

For example:

You have signed this document with Digital Signature on 20-03-2020
{User/Name} have signed this document with Barcode Signature on 21-03-2020

Signature management

When you create new signatures on signing a document with our electronic signature app, all signatures will be stored automatically in your account and can be reused for all further document signing. To manage your signatures, simply open any document with electronic signature app and go to Signatures tab.

Supported signatures

  1. Digital Signature
  2. Barcode Signature
  3. QR Code Signature
  4. Image Signature
  5. Text Signature
  6. Stamp Signature
  7. Free hand Signature

Responsive design

View your documents on any mobile or desktop devices from anywhere! provides a responsive layout.

Cross-browser support

All major browsers such as Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Edge are supported out of the box.

Supported formats

Our online electronic signature supports over 50 document and file formats. See Online Electronic Signature page for more information and a full list of all supported formats.

Coming soon

Following is a list of coming soon features:

Dedicated signature manager

A dedicated signatures manager is a place where you can manage all your saved signatures by viewing, adding or removing.